U-Lead Conference

Operation Smile UAE
United Arab Emirates


The U-Lead conference will take place at Marriott Downtown Abu Dhabi on 1st and 2nd November (Friday and Saturday) from 09:30am – 5:00pm and is open to all students 14-18 years old.

The first day of the conference will provide an introduction to Operation Smile and the student program activities, where our student volunteers will share their experiences on working with the foundation.

The second day will focus on how to establish and run an Operation Smile school club and provide students with support and ideas from Operation Smile staff members and current school club leaders.

Participants will be provided with snacks, lunch and beverages as well as a t-shirt and certificate of participation.

1st November = 100 AED

2nd November = 100 AED

1st & 2nd November =150 AED


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Operation Smile UAE
United Arab Emirates

Raised : 5,913.36AED
Raised 42%
Goal : 14,000.00AED

Created Oct 10, 2019

293 days left

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