The Little Wings Foundation was founded in 2007 by Dr Marc Sinclair, one of the region’s prominent paediatric orthopaedic surgeons, with the mission to provide medical assistance to children who have musculoskeletal deformities in the Middle East and North Africa. The Little Wings Foundation is run by volunteers devoting their expertise and time to give back children the freedom they ‘lost’ because of physical, economic and perceived social barriers.
In 2018, The Little Wings Foundation partnered with Al Jalila Foundation to facilitate treatment for children with congenital or acquired limb deformities and help these children in their daily struggle and give them the tools they need to succeed in life
Many children throughout the region face challenges of financial hardship due to poverty and conflict and survival depends largely on their physical integrity. Those born with limb deformity are often unable to access treatment that could free them from their physical restriction and pursue a childhood everyone deserves. The Little Wings Foundation in partnership with Al Jalila Foundation facilitates the required treatment offering children equal opportunities allowing them to dream for a better future with a real chance of making these dreams come true.
For more information on The Little Wings Foundation please visit
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