Dubai Heights Academy "Bag for Life Initiative"

Dubai Heights Academy
United Arab Emirates

عن الحملة

At Dubai Heights Academy we pride ourselves on sustainability. That is why we encourage all of our DHA students, staff and families to try and be more environmentally conscious. We wanted to everyone at our school to have a Bag for Life and use it going forward and any donations received in exchange for a Bag for Life will put donated to Emirate Nature - WWF. Thank You.

آخر المستجدات

لا يوجد تحديثات حاليا

Dubai Heights Academy
United Arab Emirates

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه 0.00AED
نسبة بلوغ الهدف 0%
هدف الحملة 1,000.00AED

تم الإنشاء Nov 24, 2019

50 الأيام المتبقية

أعطِ ابتسامة